With fewer city council meetings scheduled during the final months of the year, it’s natural that agendas get longer and more crowded. Even with that in mind, Monday Dec. 9, 2018 is shaping up to be a major legislative marathon, with a special City Council meeting scheduled for 5 pm, before the regular council meeting – with two crucial items on the agenda.
Attempting to meet the housing crisis at both ends, the council will have a Public Hearing to consider the introduction of an ordinance amending the zoning code for requirements for additional dwelling units (ADUs) and an Action Item on a seasonal homeless shelter.
Beyond he housing crisis, there is a whole other world of legislative tasks to be taken on. There will be a Closed Session at 6 pm, then the regular City Council meeting at 7 pm with a 13 Item Consent Calendar, two Public Hearings and seven Action Items, including the CCPD presentation on the mid-pilot point of the Drone program, the Interim Rent Control Ordinance, and a recurring favorite, the Mayoral Rotation.
And, a discussion on starting meetings an hour earlier, which will probably get the required number of nodding heads.
Judith Martin-Straw
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