The Sierra Club Airport/Marina Group will hold their holiday celebration and regular meeting on Tuesday, December 17th, 2019 7:00 pm at Burton Chace Park Community Room 13650 Mindanao Way, Marina del Rey
The featured speaker Dr. Jerry Willenbring of the LA Chapter Sierra Club Energy Committee,
Senior Energy Advisor (ExpertEnergyAdvisors.com) on the topic: “How will I cook my eggs?” Embracing new employment opportunities in a clean, non-emitting, renewable energy future.
Jerry Willenbring has been a member of the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club since 1979. He is also a member of the Sierra Club California Energy-Climate Committee and a passionate advocate for clean energy. He has a PhD in Engineering Physics and is an expert on solar energy, climate science and related topics. He thinks we should do everything we can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and preserve and protect our environment. He helps communities and organizations manage the challenging processes of change and adaptation.
Willenbring observes “There is probably nothing more important today than our energy future. The first great industrial revolution was based to a large extent on the energy of fossil fuels, mainly coal, oil and natural gas. This has been the main driver of modern civilization and has improved the lives of millions of people. Now we are in the middle of the next great industrial revolution, which is also based on energy. We can now produce large amounts of energy with clean, non-emitting wind power and solar energy.” Learn how we can do our part.
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