Every October, schools and organizations across the country join STOMP Out Bullying™ in observing National Bullying Prevention Month. The goal: encourage schools, communities and organizations to work together to stop bullying and cyberbullying and put an end to hatred and racism by increasing awareness of the prevalence and impact of all forms of bullying on all children of all ages.
The Week of October 21 is the Week of Inclusion. Here are some activities students can undertake to help stop bullying on campus:
Don’t let anyone at school eat alone in the cafeteria or on a school field trip. Make it the week of #NOONEEATSALONE
Include other students in school activities
Include other students in after school activities
Invite someone you don’t now that well to sit next to you on the bus. Learn about each other.
At one point or another each of us has felt insecure, or stressed out, or alone. It is important to remind our friends and classmates that we are all in it together and we are there to listen and support each other. Use the hashtag #HereForYou on social media to let your classmates know that they have your support and a person to reach out to if they ever need to talk.
By making conscious efforts like these during Bullying Prevention Month (and throughout the year), we are all one step closer to putting an end to bullying! Challenge your student to make a difference.
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