October 17 is the Great ShakeOut – Earthquake Preparedness Drills

You’re invited to participate in two earthquake preparedness drills on Thursday, October 17: the “Great ShakeOut” at 10:17 AM and the 14th Annual Citywide Disaster Drill at 7 PM. Register your family, school or business for the Great ShakeOut on the official Great ShakeOut website and find helpful tips and resources on the City’s community-wide disaster drill webpage.

The annual earthquake drills are vital to keeping our community resilient in the face of unexpected disaster. On October 17, our community will show how ready we are to handle an earthquake. It’s a simple, five-minute practice exercise that may very well save a life in the face of a real disaster.

With 37 million people living and working in California, a major earthquake could cause unprecedented devastation. What we do now, before a big earthquake, will determine what our lives will be like afterwards. Because earthquakes are an inevitable part of California’s future, we must act quickly to ensure that disasters do not become catastrophes.

Join the “Great ShakeOut,” to demonstrate your disaster readiness with 9 million other Californians and 50 million people worldwide at 10:17 AM. You can also practice disaster readiness later in the day, during the City’s 14th Annual Citywide Disaster Drill at 7 PM. Whether you choose to participate in one drill or both, simply watch the clock, “stop, drop and hold on” and review and/or activate your family or business disaster plan.

The Culver City Fire Department also encourages you to use the City’s “OK” sign program, which prompts you to post an “OK” sign in your window or on your door where it is visible from your street. Posting a sign will indicate that your household is safe and sound to first responders. In the event that you are not “OK” in the face of a real disaster, refrain from posting a sign and instead call 9-1-1 to report any injuries. Download your “OK” signs on the City’s community-wide disaster drill webpage.

Following, Culver City CERT members will conduct their disaster operations (render aid and/or conduct rescue operations) as directed. Visit the Culver City CERT website to learn more about CERT and become a volunteer.

Additionally, find downloadable family disaster plans and disaster supply checklists on the the City’s Emergency Preparedness webpage.

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