Has 4130 Overland Ave. Been Flipped?

From museum and library to bioscience conference center? Plans online for 4130 Overland Ave. look very different from what the community was told would be moving in.

The controversial eviction of the Mayme Clayton Library and Museum on July 30, 2019 was prompted by the offices of Second District Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, who said he planned to turn the building at 4130 Overland Ave. into a ‘constituent center.’

There is now a project online from AE3 Partners. a Los Angeles based developer, to build the space into “Bio LA – a proposal for a Bioscience LA Collaboration Center.”

The promotional literature for the space includes “20,000 sf gross area, 5,000 sf of Seminar, Conference and Exhibition Space, 7,000 sf Collaboration Center, Incubator space for 6-8 small enterprises, BioLA Administrative Headquarters,  Demonstration Wet Lab Capable.”

This seems to be a public building being turned over to a private entity, a complete contrast from what Ridley-Thomas held was needed in that space.

No comment has yet been made by either the supervisor’s office or AE3 Partners; both offered that calls would be returned.

Judith Martin-Straw




Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

1 Comment

  1. Wow. If true, that would be a bait and switch. Looking forward to Mark Ridley-Thomas’ comments about this.

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