Civic Spark Fellowships Support Ballona Creek Revitalization and Stormwater Programs

Culver City welcomes Casandra Cortez and Sunny Zhao, our 2019-20 Civic Spark Fellows. The Fellows will provide support for the City’s Ballona Creek Revitalization Project and Stormwater Programs.

CivicSpark is a Governor’s Initiative AmeriCorps program dedicated to building capacity for local public agencies to address community resilience issues such as climate change, water resource management, housing, and mobility. CivicSpark is a program of the Local Government Commission in partnership with the State of California through the Office of Planning and Research, and CaliforniaVolunteers.

Each year, CivicSpark recruits 90 Fellows to build local public agency capacity throughout the state for 11 months. During their service year, CivicSpark Fellows implement a needed sustainability and resilience project, while also building long-term capacity to ensure the work is sustained after their service year is completed.

Local public agencies receive dedicated project support from enthusiastic emerging professionals who receive professional development and sector training.

Congratulations to Casandra and Sunny for their awards, and we will be following their work on the creek and the stormwater projects through the coming year.

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