West Basin Municipal Water District commemorated the connection of the Dominguez Technology Center to the District’s recycled water system today. The industrial park in Carson will use locally-produced, recycled water from West Basin to irrigate the landscape to save over 40 million gallons of drinking water per year.
“The connection of the Dominguez Technology Center, in partnership with the Watson Land Company, Carson Companies, and California Water Service, shows how we can work together to secure a reliable water future in Carson and beyond,” said West Basin Division I Director Harold Williams, who represents the city of Carson and the Rancho Dominguez area.
West Basin will produce approximately 135 acre-feet per year (AFY) of recycled water to service a total of 36 sites located on the business park’s campus. One acre foot is equal to 330,000 gallons, enough water to supply approximately three families annually. West Basin worked closely with the purveyor California Water Service, which owns the recycled water distribution pipeline within the site, to provide the campus with recycled water.
California Water Service District Manager Dan Armendariz noted, “In the same way we’re committed to our customers and communities, we’re also committed to protecting the environment.”
The Dominguez Technology Center, owned by Watson Land Company and Carson Companies, joins a diverse group of West Basin’s recycled water users that include over 200 municipal, commercial, and industrial customers throughout its 185-square mile service area.
Watson Land Company Director of Asset Management, Robert Smith added, “The Watson Land Company is delighted that after many years of advance planning, a sustainable supply of irrigation water is now being supplied to the Dominguez Technology Center and its businesses.”
This site is one of 14 local projects partially financed by The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Bond Act (Prop 84) in the Greater Los Angeles Area Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. In addition, this site was eligible for rebates through the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s On-site Retrofit Program. To date, West Basin has invested more than $600 million in its recycled water program and produced more than 200 billion gallons of recycled water since the program began in 1995.
“Carson Companies supports the sustainable use of recycled water to promote the conservation of water resources and we’re proud to bring this service to the Dominguez Technology Center,” said Eddie Jakubik, Vice President of Carson Companies.
West Basin continues to secure additional opportunities to expand its recycled water system. Already, an additional 10 AFY of recycled water to irrigate Private James Anderson Park in Carson, Calif. is planned for later this year.
West Basin Board President Scott Houston added, “The District is proud of its recycled water achievements and history of leadership, and looks forward to adding more connections to its system as demand grows.”
For more information about West Basin’s Recycled Water and Water for Tomorrow Programs, please visit www.westbasin.org/waterfortomorrow.
DeAnne Blackmon
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