After a successful inaugural year for Leadership Culver City, the application period for the 2019-2020 program is now open. Applicants must be 18 years of age and older and must either live or work in Culver City. All will be required to enroll through West Los Angeles College (non-credit course with no fee for registering) and must be available to attend sessions on the second Friday of each month from September through May.
The deadline for submission of applications will be Monday, August 5th.
The program is limited to no more than 25 individuals and those accepted will be notified between August 5th and 12th. There will be an open house informational meeting about the program for interested individuals in late July and an orientation meeting for those selected on August 23rd.
There is a tuition to participate in the program which is $800 and can be paid in one of four ways. The participant pays the entire amount. The participant’s employer pays the entire amount. The participant’s employer pays half and the participant pays half. The participant pays half or more and applies for a scholarship based on need and availability of funds.
Leadership Culver City provides an introduction to civic literacy through a series of monthly readings, interactive discussions, activities and exercises that expand the participants’ knowledge of Culver City: its governance, its businesses, its services and its people.
If you are interested in learning more about the program from the perspective of one of the graduates (Culver City Fire Captain Bryan Sua), click on the link below:
Leadership Culver City is a jointly sponsored program of West Los Angeles College, WLAC Foundation, City of Culver City, Culver City Chamber of Commerce, Exchange Club of Culver City and the Center for Nonprofit Management. For questions, send inquiries to this email address [email protected]
Interested individuals may complete the application on-line at the following address.
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