CCPD Reminds All Gun Owners – Safe Storage Saves Lives

School is out, and there are more children with more time and even more curiosity. If you are a gun owner, safe storage laws must be followed, and now is the time to make sure you are in compliance.

Summary of Safe Storage Laws Regarding Children – You may be guilty of a misdemeanor or a felony if you keep a loaded firearm within any premises that are under your custody or control and a child under 18 years of age obtains and uses it, resulting in injury or death, or carries it to a public place, unless you stored the firearm in a locked container or locked the firearm with a locking device to temporarily keep it from functioning.

You Cannot Be Too Careful with Children and Guns To prevent injury or death caused by improper storage of guns in a home where children are likely to be present, you should store all guns unloaded, lock them with a firearms safety device and store them in a locked container. Ammunition should be stored in a location separate from the gun.

For more information about gun safety, please contact Culver City Police Department at (310) 837-1221.

The Actors' Gang

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