School Superintendant Lockhart Addresses Culver Park Math Concerns

Success may not look like what you think it looks like; The parental and community concerns that there will not be a full time math instructor at Culver Park Continuation High School next year have drawn this statement from CCUSD Superintendent Leslie Lockhart.

“Due to the decreasing enrollment at Culver Park over the past several years, it is likely that we will have fewer than 10 students at Culver Park during the 2019-2020 school year.

This is due to the fact that we have been doing a much better job in credit recovery and providing resources to our students on the Culver City High School campus. As a result, it does not make sense to retain a full-time math instructor on the CPHS campus, especially when we need additional teachers at the middle school. The teacher in question will be relocated to CCMS and will continue to be part of the CCUSD family.

As for the remaining Culver Park students, we are working diligently to develop a plan to make sure they receive proper math instruction from real teachers and are not just expected to complete their math studies via computer. I encourage everyone who is interested to come to our Board of Education meeting on June 11, when we will be discussing Culver Park in depth.”

The Actors' Gang

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