We are a community of renters, owners and landlords. We are a collection of houses, condos, apartments, granny flats and short term rentals. Where you live in Culver City may color much of your perception about how housing works and why it’s important to consciously shape the future. There will be a dialogue on housing and preserving the fabric of our community at the April 23, 2019 Joint Meeting of the Culver City Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission and the Committee on Homelessness. This Community Conversation will focus on building hope and opportunity by providing a safe place to discuss the past, present, and future housing issues in Culver City.
Notable community members will serve as panelists to lead the discussion, including Alex Fisch, Council Member – City of Culver City; Karlo Silbiger, Chair – Culver City Committee on Homelessness; Katy Krantz, Former Renter in Culver City; and, Julissa Gutierrez, High School Senior and Prospective Student of Urban Studies; among others. Both divergent viewpoints and shared experiences related to housing will be examined in an atmosphere of inclusion that fosters an open dialogue. The evening will culminate in a round table discussion, giving participants an opportunity to articulate and summarize their insights into this very timely and important topic.
The Community Conversation on the Past, Present and Future of Housing in Culver City will be held on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 7:00 PM in the Rotunda Room of the Veterans Memorial Building, 4117 Overland Ave., Culver City, CA 90230
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