Rotterdam Plays with Identity and Expectation @ KDT

Once in a great while, there’s a play that does a complete and completely subtle job of questioning everything. You have to get to “Rotterdam.”

The second show of the KDT Block Party, The Skylight Theater Company gets to show off their excellent production of Jon Brittain’s remarkable play. Four actors moving through scenes punctuated by Dutch rap music, and two of the most important questions that can be asked; Who am I? And who are you?

In the eponymous Dutch port city, a couple of women begin a conversation about identity and relationship that considers, challenges and confronts every understanding that they have about themselves and each other. Major plot twists are delivered as small talk, and keeping a keen ear open is key. The question that comes back like a chorus is “Are you sure?”  The answer is never the same.

To get such terrific actors to play at questioning identity is great fun to begin with, but it keeps getting better.Ashley Romans and Miranda Wynne are powerful avatars of the crisis of changing perspective. Ryan Brophy is the frustrated foil, supporting from the shadows while trying to shine his own light, and Audrey Cain dances through delight and despair with fluid ease.

The assumptions that we all use just to negotiate through life get a good workout, and jobs, families, locations and lovers all become darts thrown at the target of identity.

Meticulously directed by Micheal A. Sheppard, not a gesture is wasted, not a single footfall leaves the path.

Only on stage at the Kirk Douglas Theater until April 7,  don’t wait. For tickets, go to

Am I sure? Yes, I am. Absolutely.

Judith Martin-Straw

The Actors' Gang

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