Dear Editor – Public Transit Needs Developer Support

Like Senator Scott Weiner’s earlier bill on this matter I was critical of it because it uses transit corridors as a means to increase development. I am not opposed to developments as long as they are reasonable, but what I was critical to then, and to what I may be critical again since I have not read the bill, is that in the earlier bill there were no direct provisions from developers to improve riding transit, such as covered bus shelters, lighted crosswalks, smooth sidewalks to walk to and from transit stops, brightly lighted bus stops, and fees paid by developers towards the maintenance of buses, bus stops, trains and train stations.

I am in complete agreement that we must do more to reduce our carbon footprints, now, but a piece of legislation focused on just building more without supporting transit infrastructure and transit riders is negligent on the issue of transit.

Matthew Hetz

The Actors' Gang

1 Comment

  1. I agree with Matthew Hetz on this point. Developers will use easy access to transit as a selling point for units built in the transit corridor. Therefore, they should make a contribution to developing and maintaining that transit.

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