Dear Editor,
One of the best things about living in Culver City is being able to send my children to an outstanding public school. Nine years ago my husband and I were looking to move with our then-year-old child, and great public schools were one of the main criteria in our housing search. Once we found Culver City and CCUSD, we knew our search was over. Since that time, we’ve been lucky to send both of our children to our neighborhood school, where they are thriving.
In order to ensure that all our children— and our city — continue to thrive, we must past Measure K this November 6. It’s amazing to think that for less than 52¢ a day we can ensure that our school district will be able to provide outstanding opportunities for years to come. Furthermore, as a homeowner here in Culver City, I also know that supporting our schools means supporting our property values. It’s a win-win for all of us. I strongly urge all of Culver City to Vote Yes on Measure K.
Lauren Jagnow
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