Dear Editor – Community Meeting on Oil Field June 20

Culver City Council heard us! Thanks to all of us whose comments overwhelmed the Culver City oil field EIR process with substantive data to support our two common asks:
2500′ buffer zones from drilling to protect our health; and
$2.5 billion disaster bond to help assure due diligence to keep us safe!
Culver City Council is holding an open meeting to address our need for transparency in addressing these concerns –
this Wednesday, June 20th @ 6:30 PM in the Council Chambers,
Free Parking w validation; entry off of Duquesne.

SPR, the oil field operators, will be there en masse.
We must fill the hall to outnumber them,
We must let the Council know we support & expect them to stay true to our needs to adequately protect our health, safety and quality of life!

Reach out and invite 3 friends & neighbors to join you in attending to keep democracy prevailing in Culver City!

Dr. Suzanne De Benedittis

The Actors' Gang

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