Celebrate Earth Day with some hands-on help for Mother Nature. Join the Ballona Creek Renaissance from 9:00 am-noon, Saturday, April 21, 2018, at the creek bike path entrance, 4995 Centinela Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90066.
The BCR team welcomes volunteers of all ages to this special place where the inland and coastal waters meet and the concrete creek bottom becomes natural. While collecting plastic and other trash that otherwise would go into the overloaded ocean, you’ll likely enjoy birds, fish, plants, sunshine, an ocean breeze, and other dedicated volunteers.
A great way for students to earn community service credits, those under 18 need a parent or guardian-signed waiver, available onsite.
Thanks for your help toward a healthier community and creek!
For more info go to ballonacreek.org/events/cleanup-earth-month-centinela-ave-bike-path-milton-st/
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