April 10, 2018 Election Results – Fisch and Lee, Measure A Passes

At the end of a long City Council race, the evening at City Hall was kicked off by City Clerk Jeremey Green, who introduced the city officials volunteering to count the ballots.

Alex Fisch was the front runner, coming in with an unassailable total of 3,183 votes. A close race for Lee and Vera, and this is only the preliminary vote count. There are still provisional ballots to be certified, and all ballots must be finalized.

Lee –  Total mail in votes   1375   Today’s votes  –   (2768)

Vera –                                     1310                                  (2598)

Tiggs –                                     848                                 (1790)

Fisch –                                     1563                               (3183)

Measure A  Yes –   (4.512)

No –                         (812)

578 blank voted ballots –

5902 – 22% of the voters turned out.


The Actors' Gang

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