CCUSD Relocates New Science Building

srcAfter a presentation of several options, followed by extensive discussions at the August 15 Board workshop, the CCUSD School Board passed a resolution at the August 22 Board meeting to locate the new HS/MS Science building in the back of the school area by the Lacrosse field. Middle and High School administration were part of the discussion and shared that the highlighted location is ideal for their shared needs. Because of where the building will be placed, the district can add another similar building in the future along the same space.

The former Natatorium space will be setup as a temporary parking lot by the end of October. The district will be developing plans for how to best use this space in the near future and the community will have an opportunity to provide input on those plans.

Plans for an aquatic center pool are still being discussed with the City.

The Actors' Gang

1 Comment

  1. The Science Building was never going to be built at the Natatorium site.

    One of the main reasons why it took so long to tear down the Natatorium was that there had never really anything proposed for the site to replace it.

    So when the district announced it was considering the Natatorium site for the new Science Building, this gave the board its reason—or was it just an excuse?–to finally tear it down.

    Once the Natatorium had been razed, lo and behold, the district held some public meetings and then decided to move it back to its original place on campus.

    Was this, here, now there and then, back to here again, just a coincidence, or a public con job, just to get the Natatorium structure finally torn down?

    George Laase

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