Culver City Helps to Launch PALA Survey

maxresdefaultPurposeful Aging Los Angeles (PALA) seeks to prepare the Los Angeles region for a rapidly aging population through an innovative, sustained initiative that unites public and private leadership and strategies. PALA will improve the lives of older adults and Angelenos of all ages.

You can help change the future of aging in the Los Angeles region by taking the PALA survey! Your input will be used to develop an Age-Friendly Plan for our region. The confidential PALA Survey takes about 20 minutes to complete and can be filled out by anyone 18 years of age or older who resides in the County or City of Los Angeles. To take the survey in your preferred language, please click on this link.

For more information on PALA, please visit this website. You can follow the conversation by searching for the #PurposefulAgingLA hashtag on Facebook and Twitter.

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