Soon after Culver City was incorporated in 1917, the Culver City Fire Department was created. So as we continue to commemorate the city’s centennial, we also recognize the first responders that have protected the city’s citizens and their property for nearly a century.
Our program will feature Culver City’s Fire Chief David L. White, who will speak about today’s Fire Department and offer a PowerPoint presentation of its history since its creation in 1919.
Captain Jim Gilbert, Retired, and Fire Inspector Jim Forte, Retired, will also be on hand to share their memories and answer questions.
The Historical Society Archives & Resource Center (ARC) will be open for everyone to come and see the latest exhibits.
Historical Society members and the general public are invited to enjoy this free program on Wednesday, July 19th at 7 P.M. in the Multipurpose Room at Veterans Memorial Building, located at 4117 Overland Avenue. The entrance to both the ARC and Multipurpose Room is through the back of the building and open to the public.
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