Culver City Wins Platinum

sce-and-so-cal-gas-presentation-photo_originalThe City of Culver City is a partner in the Westside Energy Partnership, a collaboration between the City, Southern California Edison, SoCalGas, and The Energy Coalition. The City has been a participant in the Westside Energy Partnership since its inception in 2011. Through this partnership, Culver City participates in Southern California Edison’s Energy Leadership Partnership, a tiered partnership model that offers enhanced rebates and incentives as the City advances in tier levels.

To reach Platinum level, the City has:

Reached 26% energy savings compared to the 2006 baseline through completing municipal energy efficiency projects.
Reduced electricity use on high demand days to help prevent outages.
Encouraged the community to do their part through energy efficiency and education.
Since joining the Partnership, Culver City has saved 1,120 tons of CO2 or the equivalent of taking 225 cars off the road. These projects save the City money while also underscoring the City’s role as a sustainability leader.

To learn more about the City’s efforts in energy efficiency and sustainability, please call the Public Works Department at (310) 253-5635 or visit the Sustainability Subcommittee webpage for more details.

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