I urge all Culver City residents to attend the “special meeting” of the City Council Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 7 p.m. (Culver Boulevard at Duquesne).
Why attend? Because your health and safety are on the line.
The activities conducted in the Inglewood Oil Fields are potentially dangerous to us all. The City Council voted 3-2 in mid-April to delay releasing what is called the Draft EIR and Specific Plan that could have brought us one step closer to protections for us all. Instead, they began negations with the new oil field operator, Sentinel Peak Resources. While I respect the opinions of the 3 Council Members who voted to delay the release of the Draft EIR and Specific Plan, my concerns for the potential dangers in the Inglewood Oil Fields persist.
At the forthcoming July 11 meeting, the City Council is going to vote on whether to continue negotiating with SPR or release the Culver City EIR and Specific Plan.
I live in Raintree. I am very close to the oil fields. However, no matter where in Culver City you live, or even if you live outside our city limits, you may be breathing in toxins that you cannot smell. You may not be thinking about a major earthquake, but drilling in the oil fields could trigger a major earthquake.
Please head to City Hall July 11th to show solidarity. Just being there shows that you care. And if you take a speaker card and tell our City Council Members your views, so much the better.
I’ll see you there!
Deborah Weinrauch
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