The Culver-Palms Family YMCA Board of Managers welcomed Elliott Heffler back onto the Y board at their last meeting, as well as congratulating long-time board member and former chair Andy Weissman, who was honored by the Metropolitan Los Angeles YMCA with induction into their Distinguished Book of Golden Service at the Biltmore Hotel last week. A record number of branch, board, family and city representatives attended the dinner and the ceremony – long overdue for Andy!
One of the most enduring and yet little-publicized programs in Culver City is St. Augustine Catholic Church’s S.A.V.E.S. (St. Augustine Volunteer Emergency Services). S.A.V.E.S. was started in 1973 in a classroom. When its future was in peril, it was changed into a community outreach program and to this day it is a thriving, bustling, place of hope. Under the direction of its founder, Mrs. Sadie Cerda and a strong core of volunteers, S.A.V.E.S. is open to clients on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, from 9:00 a.m. until11:45 a.m. S.A.V.E.S. receives donations from many sources, yet still needs to purchase food to provide our clients with a balanced diet.
S.A.V.E.S. conducts a food drive on the second Sunday of every month. Volunteers collect food at all the masses to assist in their mission to feed the hungry. Food items are placed in collection barrels at the doors of the church, 3850 Jasmine Ave., corner Washington Blvd.
Did you get one of these? On May 23, the Culver City Fire Department sent a brush clearance letter to all community members residing in moderate, severe and very high fire hazard severity zones in Culver City. In an effort to help residents with the disposal of their brush waste, staff has placed dumpsters at the following locations:
• Corner of Wright Terrance & Wrightcrest Drive in Blair Hills
• On Ranch Road between Kelmore Street and Eveward Road in Culver Crest
There is a Culver City Fire Department banner on each bin noting that these bins are for “BRUSH WASTE ONLY.” Fire Prevention personnel will monitor the dumpsters and have them emptied as necessary. Any questions you may have may be addressed to the Culver City Fire Prevention Bureau at (310) 253-5925. You can also access more information on the city’s High Fire Hazard Zones page or by visiting Cal Fire’s Ready for Wildfire page.
Is it true? There’s no longer an official Moose Lodge in Culver City? (indications are that El Segundo has the closest one to Our Town) This had been a longtime and revered fraternal order, one that our dad and many of the other “young turks” who helped found Culver City belonged to and supported…
The Culver East MOMs Club is inviting all Culver City resident families to their end of the year Summer Party! It’s this Saturday, June 3 at Culver City Park, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., and it’s free. (That’s the lower picnic area, intersection of Duquesne & Jefferson.) There’ll be a bounce house, bagels and coffee, juice and shave ice, popsicles, crafts, and of course the playground and big lawn welcomes all. Questions? Contact Rashmi Basava at [email protected].
Does Culver City care about its kids or what! Because our kids need to remain healthy and connected during the summer CCUSD has created a free lunch program complete with a variety of daily activities for students under 18! Free Summer Lunch and More (the “more” is the real fun part – books, board games, special guests, arts and crafts, physical activities, etc.) Where: La Ballona Elementary School. When: Monday – Friday, starting June 13 (a Tuesday) through July 28, 2017 Lunch is open from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. with Activities running from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (No program on Monday, June 12 or Tuesday, July 4) This is open to anyone under the age of 18 (no forms to fill out, no eligibility exercises, etc.) All food must be eaten on side, and no one over the age of 18 please. The calendar of events and activities will be posted on the websites of CCUSD (under Calendars) and the LaBallona (under Parents), as well as at the site. Parents are encouraged to stay, play and partake in interactive activities with their child(ren) for the activity hour. The site will be open to the public daily beginning at 11:30am and will close at 1pm. For more information, please call (310) 849-1731.
Happy Birthday wishes go out this week to our son Paul Smith, Jake Jakubowski, Ilbert Phillips, Mike Wright, Bill DeHaven, Harvey Schneider, Kristina Tepley, Sharlo Cruz, and John Snodgrass. If you, a friend or family member have a birthday coming up and would like to see it posted here, let us know at [email protected].
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