May 20 Special Walk at Ballona Wetlands in Playa Vista. Docent tour of the wild westside, including rare and endangered local plants and animals.
It is one of the last significant wetland areas in the Los Angeles Basin and is named for Ballona Creek which now runs through the area as a flood control channel. In the 1930s the Ballona Creek corridor was channelized in concrete, thus greatly reducing the inflow of salt water to the marsh, and eliminating spring floods, which brought freshwater to the wetlands.
Walkers will convene at 8:45 a.m. for a warmup led by Culver-Palms Family YMCA fitness guru Brandon Webb, then a pre-walk update on ”Nature and Health,” offered by Drs. Jeffrey Penso and/or Sarah Carpenter. The walk begins at 9:00 a.m. with a docent-led tour of the wild westside, including rare and endangered local plants and animals. No RSVP is really required, but please contact Walk With a Doc on facebook if you plan to attend so that there will be enough docents available.
Park in the lot behind Gordon’s Market/Alkali Water at 303 Culver Blvd, Playa del Rey 90293. Car pooling is recommended; the lot fills up fast.
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