Westside Regional Center Talks with CCUSD Parents – May 22

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAjzAAAAJGQ2ZDY5ZmE1LWM1MjQtNGVmMy05ZGYyLTJiM2U4NGE2NTI4MgLooking for support and services for children with disabilities or developmental delays? The Linwood E. Howe PTA’s Special Needs Committee is hosting a talk by the Westside Regional Center here at Lin Howe next Monday eveningMay 22, 2017.  It’s open to all CCUSD parents – preschool and up.

The mission of the Westside Regional Center is “to empower people with developmental disabilities and their families to choose and access community services that facilitate a quality of life comparable to persons without disabilities.” Many parents are familiar with WRC through their early intervention (EI) program for children ages 0-3. But they also provide lifelong support for people who live with physical or developmental disabilities of all kinds—including school-age children and their families.

On Monday, May 22 at 6pm, Pamela Arturi from Westside Regional Center will give an overview of the Center’s services, provide information about how it helps children and families access healthcare, therapies, after-school care, and other services offered by outside providers and agencies, and answer questions from parents. Light refreshments will be provided.

This event is open to all parents of students who attend CCUSD schools or preschools. Adults only, please. Organized by the Linwood E. Howe PTA Special Needs Committee.

To rsvp, go to www.eventbrite.com/e/help-with-disabilities-overview-of-the-westside-regional-center-tickets-34625968203

Parking –  Off-street parking is available in CCUSD’s district office parking lot, next door to the school, at 4034 Irving Place.

Light refreshments will be provided.

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