Univision Los Angeles, in partnership with the California Community Foundation, a foundation with a long history of empowering Los Angeles County’s immigrants to be full participants in their civic, social and economic life, will host a Spanish-language town hall titled Conoce tus derechos: Empodérate (Know Your Rights: Empower Yourself) from the campus of West Los Angeles Community College. The one-hour town hall, moderated by anchor Andrea González and senior reporter Oswaldo Borráez, will air on Univision stations across the state in Bakersfield, the Bay Area, Fresno, Los Angeles and Sacramento on Sunday, April 30 at 6 p.m. PT.
Univision Los Angeles and the California Community Foundation will convene a panel of speakers that will address pressing concerns on immigrations issues and the effect of recent executive orders on immigration. The panel will also discuss the economy, healthcare and its impact on seniors as well as education and the future of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
The panelists are:
· California State Senator Ricardo Lara,
· Chief of the Los Angeles Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs Dr. Linda López,
· Executive Director, CHIRLA Angélica Salas,
· Immigration Attorney Noemí Ramírez,
· Deputy Director, Emergency Outreach Bureau Miriam Brown,
· Political Science Professor, West Los Angeles City College Olga Shewfelt and
· Founder & President, El Sembrador Noel Díaz
“As a mission-driven company, it is our responsibility to ensure that our families, students and other community members feel empowered with accurate information,” said Luis Patiño, senior vice president and general manager of Univision Los Angeles. “It is imperative that we continue to inform our audience and make sure that they know their rights. This town hall is one way we can help; by providing a platform for resources and answers to ease any doubts or concerns on issues affecting their lives.”
“The immigration Executive Orders pose harm to vulnerable families who are already living in fear and uncertainty of their future. In this climate, it’s critical for immigrants to be informed of their rights,” said Antonia Hernández, President & CEO of California Community Foundation. “There is information and support available for immigrant families facing potential abuse, mistreatment, and enforcement actions, so we have to make sure connections are made between the community organizations, legal experts, public officials and the immigrant community.”
The town hall will air statewide throughout Univision owned and operated television stations in Los Angeles, Bakersfield, Fresno, Sacramento and San Francisco, as well as streamed digitally via www.UnivisionCA.com.
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