Up the Creek – A Watershed Moment Panel Discussion

17212226_1257901040960241_7643263285694089763_o The March 2nd opening reception of UP the CREEK! Ballona Watershed + Art drew about 100 students and community members to view art that presented a vision of the creek,  This unique CC100 exhibit, continues daily  from 11-4, Monday-Thursday, at the WLAC Art Gallery through April 6th. The Main Event will be a panel discussion with the artists on March 23 from 6 to 8 pm.

A “watershed moment” is a point in time that marks an important, often historical change. This Culver City Centennial (CC100) exhibition features artists whose work has been protective of and promotes awareness of the Ballona Creek area. On March 2nd, comments ranged from “stunning!” to “I didn’t know that!” Paintings, tapestries, photos, maps, and more curved around a central sculpture. A continuously looping short Ballona Creek Renaissance (BCR) video offered beautiful images of the art and wildlife that currently share Ballona Creek.


Art Gallery @ West Los Angeles College, 9000 Overland Ave., Culver City, CA 90230. On-campus parking available in structure at end of Albert Vera17202739_1257902014293477_4994980288444609428_n Drive. Moderator Molly Barnes will host panelists Marina Curtis Tidwell (Wildlife) Lucy Blake Elahi (Art) Jim Lamm (Watershed & History) and Thomas Aujero Small (Ballona Creek Strategic Planning)

Light refreshments will be provided.

Curators: Molly Barnes, Lucy Blake-Elahi and Amy Rosenstein.
Sponsored by Ballona Creek Renaissance. ballonacreek.org
Contact Molly 310.553.7626

Artists featured in the show are Francois Bardol, Lucy Blake-Elahi, Christophe Cassidy, Guy Dill, Lori Escalera, Danielle Eubank, Bruria Finkel, Brett Goldstone, Blake Hottle, Don Merkt, Jeanette Vosburg, Pat Warner

Rippling water—from a painting by Danielle Eubank.


The Actors' Gang

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