Dear Editor – Sacramento Looks to Photo Radar and Gas Tax Revenue

Light-bulb-0003-300x198Earlier this week a group of our legislators in Sacramento filed Assembly Bill 342, to allow the use of speed cameras (photo radar) in California.

In December, another group of our legislators in Sacramento filed Senate Bill 1, which will raise gas taxes and registration fees.

The two bills – if they pass – will cost you hundreds of dollars every year for the rest of your life.

SB-1 is coming to a crucial hearing in the Senate Transportation Committee on Tuesday the 14th – Valentine’s Day – so our legislators need to hear from us very soon. Info about both bills is on the Action/Legis page at my website,

It’s easy – and very quick – to call a state legislator’s office – it’s one of the few places anymore where a live person answers the phone after just a few rings. Their phone numbers are in the Government section at the front of your local phone book, or you can find them by Googling find California legislator.


Jim Lissner

The Actors' Gang

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