City Manager’s Bi-Weekly Update to the City Council – City Manager John Nachbar and Staff update the City Council, Public Works, Parks and Rec, Police and more for a concise and timely focus on Culver City
The City is cosponsoring the Screenland 5K, which will take place the morning of Sunday, February 26 throughout down town Culver City. This Centennial related event is open to the public. Please visit www.screenland5K.com for more information and check out some important information about ways to volunteer and navigate Culver CityBus services in
found this report.
Mayor Jim B. Clarke and Council Members Meghan Sahli-Wells and Göran Eriksson helped cut the ribbon on a new downtown business on January 14. Ji and Miki Miette are two fashion brands that will share a space at 9434 Washington Boulevard. Also attending were Culver City Police Sgt. Pete Hernandez; business owners Nancy Yoo and Sawako Yamauchi; CC Council of PTAs President Maren Neufeld; Culver City Education Foundation President Leslie Adler; and Council Member Göran Eriksson.
Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department
There are many upcoming volunteer opportunities in the Culver City Community
The Screenland 5K – Volunteers are needed for various shifts from 7:00 am – 11:00 am as course marshals, refreshment servers, registration table works and more. Volunteers receive service hours, parking privileges, a Centennial Screenland 5K t-shirt, refreshments. Volunteers are eligible to win Swag Bag prizes. All ages and abilities are welcome to assist.
Culver City Rain Garden – After the storms, the Culver City Rain Garden needs extra love and care. A workday is scheduled for Saturday, February 11 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. The Garden is a Low Impact Development project that captures and filters storm water runoff from the adjacent industrial parking lots and streets, removing harmful pollutants and metals before reaching Ballona Creek. The garden is planted with native riparian vegetation to enhance water quality, provide habitat for native birds and wildlife, as well as beautify this stretch of Ballona Creek. Volunteers should park on Jackson Avenue and meet at the end of Jackson Avenue at Ballona Creek. Those under 16 must be accompanied by an adult and a parental waiver must be signed for participants under 18.
For information on other volunteer opportunities, contact Jill Thomsen in the Volunteer Office at 310-253-6722 or by email at [email protected].
The Culver City Senior Center Welcomes the CC Strummers Cali Rose & The CC Strummers bring ukulele joy and the aloha spirit to our local communities. Featuring over 60 ukulele players, The CC Strummers perform frequently at the Culver City Senior Center as well as Fiesta La Ballona. The CC Strummers perform at smaller shows as well, collaborating with the Mattel Children’s Hospital at UCLA, singing and playing for the children, their families, and staff members. They also donate ukuleles to the children so they can learn to play while in the hospital. Additionally, they perform regularly at Opica Adult Day Care Center in West Los Angeles and offer a ukulele class for students at Mar Vista Middle School. The CC Strummers are doing their part to make this world a sweeter place for all of us. What wonderful ambassadors from our
Senior Center to our community!
Parks, Recreation and Community Service Commission Highlights from January 10, 2017
Announcement from Steven Fisher regarding the 12th Annual City of Culver City
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, held on January 14.
Updates from the Ad Hoc Subcommittees and representative appointees to
various outside Associations and City Committees. Chair Heineman announced
the names and positions of the newly elected officers of Culver City Senior Citizens
Association (CCSCA) Board of Directors and reported that the CCSCA raised over
$8,000 for the 2016 Holiday Certificate Program.
Receipt and file of a report regarding the size and temperament restrictions for the
enclosures in The Boneyard, also known as the Culver City Off-Leash Dog Park,
at Culver City Park. There was consensus that the operational guidelines for The
Boneyard are not in need of adjustments.
Planning discussion regarding Community Conversations series – Topic #7 and
finalization of the title as “Growing Up Intercultural in Culver City: A Student-Based
Conversation on Culture and Race”.
Discussion of potential topics for the PRCS Commission’s Fiscal Year 2017/2018
budget recommendations to the City Council, reaching consensus that the draft
correspondence will be reviewed at an upcoming Commission meeting.
Public Works Department
New light fixtures at Media Park Illuminate Pathway to Ivy Station On October 10, 2016 the City Council awarded a
contract to MB Herzog Electric for the replacement of 15 light poles and fixtures used to light the pathway at Media Park leading to the Ivy Sub-station. The City’s contractor started work on January 19 and finished on January 25. The older lights were prone to vandalism and subsequent damage. The new lights are more vandal deterrent and are comprised
of LED fixtures resulting in better illumination, less maintenance, and greater energy savings.
On January 23, as part of its annual maintenance, the Public Works Department-Maintenance Operations Division has begun replacing 9-volt batteries on existing coin-operated parking meters. This project does not include credit card-accepting meters that send alerts when the batteries need replacing. Approximately 500 batteries will be replaced over the next several weeks to ensure continuous operation of the meters. The battery replacement is anticipated to take approximately one month to complete.
On Tuesday, January 31, Golden State Water Company is tentatively scheduled to perform final asphalt restoration due to its recent water main replacement project on Sepulveda Boulevard, between Washington Place and Washington Boulevard.
The Public Works Department Environmental Programs & Operations Division offers Free Paper Shredding in February
The City of Culver City’s Environmental Programs & Operations Division will help dispose of unwanted documents and records during a Free Paper Shredding Event on Saturday, February 4, 2017 from 9 am to 2 pm. This event is open to all Culver City residents and will be held at West LA College, Parking Lot 5, 9000 Overland Avenue, Culver City.
All documents will be commercially shredded by trained, licensed, and bonded document destruction specialists, Confidential Data Destruction. All shredded documents are recycled into new paper products. This in turn reduces landfill and the need to cut and process new lumber.
For more information please contact Culver City Public Works, Environmental Programs & Operations Division at 310-253-6400 or www.culvercity.org/recycling.
Washington Boulevard Closure on Sunday January 29, to Facilitate Crane Operations
Washington Boulevard will be closed on Sunday, January 29, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, between Hughes Avenue/Duquesne Avenue and Clarington Avenue/Madison Avenue to facilitate crane operations. Changeable Message Sign boards have been placed east and west of the closure points notifying the public of the coming street closure and written notices are being distributed to affected businesses in the area. Detour routes will be in place to guide motorists around the closure.
Left Turn Signal Project
From February 6 to February 7, new left turn signals are tentatively scheduled to be operational at Machado Road/Jefferson Boulevard and Jordan Way/Jefferson Boulevard intersections. This project is funded with Federal-Aid Highway Safety Improvement funds.
Transportation Department
Culver City Station Parking Lot Closure and Alternative Parking
Metro’s Culver City Station parking lot (between Washington, National, and Venice Boulevards) will officially close on Monday, February 13, 2017 to make way for scheduled project construction on a new development, Ivy Station. The construction for the development is scheduled to last 30 months, with anticipated completion in 2019. During the construction period, parking will be available for Metro riders at the nearby Ince Parking Garage (9099 Washington Boulevard) as an alternative parking option. Parking fees at the Ince Parking Garage will be $3/day for patrons with a recently used TAP card. In response to the parking lot closure, Culver CityBus will establish two temporary bus stops near the Ince Parking Garage for Lines 1 and 7. Service for these new stops will begin 5:00 AM on Tuesday, February 14, 2017. Existing bus stops at Culver/Main will not be affected. Please call 310-253-6500 for more information or visit www.culvercitybus.com.
Transportation Department’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal Presentation
On Monday, February 13, the Culver City Transportation Department will present its Revised Overall Goal for DBE participation for Federal Fiscal Years 2017 – 2019 for Department of Transportation-assisted contracts through the Federal Transportation Administration. Community input will be solicited from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, in the
Dan Patacchia Room, Culver City City Hall, 9770 Culver Boulevard, Culver City. As a direct recipient of federal funds, the Transportation Department has developed a race- neutral DBE Goal of 6.97%.
At this time the City would like to invite the public to provide feedback and/or comment, relative to the proposed goal calculation and accompanied rationale for review and consideration. A description of the goal methodology and information regarding the DBE program are also available for review at the Culver City Transportation Department, 4343 Duquesne Avenue, Culver City, CA 90232 through March 1, 2017. Written comments will be accepted until March 17, 2017 and should be addressed to: Jane Leonard, Senior Management Analyst, Culver City Transportation Department, 4343 Duquesne Avenue, Culver City.
Culver City Screenland 5K – Culver CityBus Special Service
On Sunday, February 26, 2017, Culver CityBus Line 1 servicing Culver Boulevard will run a special detour to provide service for the Culver City Screenland 5K. The detour, which will remain in effect from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. will affect both Westbound and Eastbound buses. The detour will accommodate the 5K route. Please find below the affected stops, the bus detour and the 5K route. Please call 310-253-6500 for more information or visit www.culvercitybus.com.
Westbound Bus Route |
Westbound Stops |
Eastbound Bus Route |
Eastbound Stops |
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