Walk with a Doc Strolls into a Fourth Year of Fitness

Screen-Shot-2016-09-20-at-2.09.15-PMWalk With A Doc/Culver City begins its 4th year this Saturday January 21, 2017 at Veteran’s Park, 4117 Overland Avenue near the parking lot. At 8:45 am, Jeff Penso, MD will speak about the medical challenges of 2017. At 8:50 Brandon Webb gets us warmed up. It’s free, fun, it’s healthy.

Walk With a Doc was started in 2005 by a cardiologist in Columbus OH to encourage a behavior change in his patients from a sedentary lifestyle. He led walks in the nearby park and this now this movement has spread to over 200 US locations and various international sites. Culver City’s Walk with a Doc has been led by Dr. Jeff Penso since 2014 and continues to add new walkers every month. You can be one of them – this Saturday at Vet’s Park.

The Actors' Gang

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