Frustrated by the traffic on the way to school? Make it a resolution to not be a part of it – Walking school buses are fun activities to help kids get to school safely. Bus Leaders walk a specific route every day, leading groups of kids to school. This insures that regardless of parent involvement, changing school schedules or inclement weather, Walking School Buses continue. Walking School Buses generally start at a specific location or home and walk a route to school, picking up kids along the way. Walk leaders are trained and approved to volunteer in our district (meaning Live Scans, TB tests, etc). Parents are welcome to join the fun either as participants or as volunteers.
We are working towards an active Walking School Bus for every school but we need your help in planning, promoting and as walk leaders.
Join us for a free 2 hour workshop Thursday, January 19, 2017 as we define the program, establish teams for each school, plan routes and overcome obstacles. You will leave the workshop with tools to help your school succeed regardless of what level you are at. So if your school has a Walking School bus, we’ll show you how to recruit volunteers and promote the program. Or if you are starting form scratch, we’ll show you how to recruit students, plan a route, recruit volunteers and promote the program.
Who should attend:
Parents who are already walking to school, but would like to walk in a group.
Parents who would like to walk to school but find meetup sites inconvenient
Parents who walk to school occasionally and would like to do so more often with support from a group
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2017
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: Culver City Middle School
NOTE: Snacks and childcare will be provided
If you are interested or know someone who is, please take our SRTS WALKING SCHOOL BUS SURVEY here
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