All the latest from the City Manager and staff –
Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department
Culver City Senior Citizens Association Membership – Membership enrollment for the Culver City Senior Citizens Association will be held the first two weeks of January 2017, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm in the lobby of the Senior Center. Membership is open to all members of the community ages 50 and older. Fees for 2017 are $13 for membership, $5 per parking pass, and an additional $12 if you choose to have the monthly newsletter mailed to your home. Use of the fitness room is $125 per calendar year or $75 for six months. All fitness room memberships require a physician’s form for either new membership or renewing membership. Registration staff accept cash and checks only. No bills over $20 please.
Police Department
Culver City Police Explorers Lend a Hand at Local Charity Event – On Saturday, December 17th, the Culver City Police Explorers along with Detectives Andrea Lopez and Edward Baskaron, joined other volunteers, from the US Military and the Culver City Fire
Department to help with an annual holiday charity event sponsored by “A Child’s DreamCA.” A Child’s Dream is an extension of the nonprofit organization, “Living Waters-West L.A” which was founded by CEO Cassandra Steptoe-Sampson, to help realize the needs
of underserved communities and maintain compassion for children. During the event, which was held at the Culver City Teen Center, approximately 600 children along with their families received food, clothing, and gifts.
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Academy Class 417 Graduation – On December 22, 2016, Police Officer Recruit Calvin Aubrey successfully completed 22 weeks of basic law enforcement training and graduated from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Academy. Officer Aubrey began the academy on July 25, 2016 and his courses of instruction covered numerous topics and included search and seizure, laws of arrest, cultural diversity, mental health awareness, firearms training and physical fitness. Assistant Chief Allen Azran, Captains Iizuka and Shank and members of the management team were present to congratulate Officer Aubrey.
Public Works Department
Culver City Visits CR&R’s Anaerobic Digestion Facility – Mayor Jim B. Clarke and Council member Meghan Sahli-Wells traveled with the Culver City Public Works Department to CR&R Environmental Services, a recycling and waste collection company, to learn more about their Anaerobic Digestion Facility located in Perris, CA. This facility uses new technology to recycle organic waste. Following the enactment of Assembly Bill 1826, Culver City has been researching viable alternatives to its current composting program for the City’s organics waste stream. AB 1826 requires businesses that generate a specified amount of organic waste per week to arrange for recycling services for that waste. The group learned how anaerobic digesters digest organic waste to produce a biogas byproduct that can be converted to renewable natural gas. This natural gas is used to fuel CR&R’s fleet of trucks used to collect trash and haul waste and recycling materials. CR&R has completed construction on Phase One of a four phase project. The facility will ultimately house four food-waste digesters that will have the capacity to convert over 300,000 tons of waste into four million gallon diesel equivalents of renewable natural gas (RNG) in one year. Currently they are able to convert about 80,000 tons of organics waste into one million gallon diesel equivalents of RNG.
Polystyrene Ban – On December 12, 2016, the City Council voted to ban the use and sale of certain polystyrene foodware products citywide. The City in the process of writing an ordinance to effectuate the ban, which will be introduced to the City Council in the first
quarter of 2017. The City is also preparing an outreach strategy comprised of a City webpage, a press release, letters, fliers, and workshops designed to educate and provide businesses information on alternative products they may use along with a list of their suppliers.
Transportation Department
Santa makes Culver City Rounds! – On Thursday, December 22 and Friday, December 23, 2016, Santa made final naughty and nice checks on Culver CityBus lines going to and from local malls! Joined by Mayor Jim B. Clarke and Transportation Director Art Ida, Santa
made the rounds and spread Christmas cheer to help riders celebrate the season.
Schedule Updates – Culver CityBus announces schedule changes on Lines 3, 4, 6 and Rapid 6 effective Monday, January 9, 2017. Please call 310-253-6500 for more information or visit www.culvercitybus.com. Culver CityBus announces the return of the Rapid 6 Short Line – The Rapid 6 Short Line service will resume on Jan 9, 2017. Please direct any questions to the customer service line at 310-253-6500 or visit the website at www.culvercitybus.com.
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