Already on the calendar for viewing by Culver City Senior Center members was the film “Singin’ in the Rain,” starring the late Debbie Reynolds, Gene Kelly, and Donald O’Connor. Part of the Center’s regular Movie Nostalgia Program, it will be shown on January 29, to what is now, with the unexpected passing of Debbie Reynolds, expected to be a full house. If you’re at least 50 years old (Yes, Virginia, that’s considered a “senior”) you’re eligible to join the Senior Center Association, and membership enrollment will be held the first two weeks of January 2017, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm in the lobby of the Senior Center, corner Overland Ave. and Culver Blvd. Fees for 2017 are $13 for membership, $5 per parking pass, and an additional $12 if you choose to have the monthly newsletter mailed to your home. Use of the fitness room is $125 per calendar year or $75 for six months. All fitness room memberships require a physician’s form for either new membership or renewing membership. Registration staff accept cash and checks only. (No bills over $20 please)
The first meeting of the new year for the Culver City Rotary Club will be this at 12:15 p.m. this Wednesday, January 4 at The Culver Hotel (meetings are on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at this historic site). Members are urged to get prepared for fun, since it’s “White Elephant Day.” Everyone’s expected to bring a wrapped gift of “…dubious or limited value. Let’s have fun!” (Hope they take pictures!)
A Culver City tradition since 1924 is Culver City Job’s Daughters Bethel No.2, with regular meetings every 2nd and 4th Monday at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are closed to the public, but you’re invited to contact Amanda Puddle if you or your daughter are interested in this respected organization. Call Amanda at (562)818-8045 or email [email protected]. Described as a “…mix between a sorority and Girl Scouts,” Job’s Daughters International allows girls and young women to grow their confidence so as to become leaders of tomorrow. This confidence and leadership development allows Job’s Daughters to grow into adulthood with the set of skills needed in today’s world.
Looking for a good deed to do this Saturday, January 7th? Volunteers are needed at the Culver City Rain Garden Cleanup from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. This will be at the South Ballona Creekside location (commercial area) at the end of Pearson Avenue (500 feet from Jefferson Blvd. Park on either side of Pearson, actual zip code is 90232.) Coming up on February 11 will be a cleanup at the North Ballona Creekside location, which is residential. It’s located at the end of Jackson Ave., behind a locked gate, which will be opened for the event. For GPS navigation use 4306 Jackson Ave. The Rain Gardens capture rain and surface runoff, filter noxious contaminants that would otherwise flow into Ballona Creek, and help beautify our urban landscape. Volunteers will weed, water and maintain the gardens to give the newly-planted natives time to take root and thrive. Bring water and a snack if desired and wear closed-toed shoes. Tools and gloves will be provided. For more information, call site supervisor Mark Abramson at (310) 490-0279.
Face it. It’s over. Holiday tree composting has begun and will run through the month of January, 2017. Make sure you remove all lights, ornaments and stands from your trees, then you can “Park Your Tree” at either Fox Hills Park, Syd Kronenthal Park, Culver West Park or Veterans’ Park. (You can of course still place your cut up trees in your green cans for regularly-scheduled pick up.)
Kicking off 2017 with birthdays this week are Diane Miller, Neil Rubinstein, Jay Garacochea, Francia Fate, Brendan O’Brien, Robert Condinus, Dennis C. Roberts, Allison Prehoda, and Emily Prehoda. If you’d like your (or a friend or family member’s) birthday mentioned here, just send the information to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to post it!
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