Heidi Duckler Dance Theatre will premiere new series at long dormant Chinatown theater Company’s new work asks the question: “What does it mean to be King?”
For the first time in 20 years, audiences will fill Chinatown’s King Hing Theater, but not to screen a film. Heidi Duckler Dance Theatre will premiere a new work, When I Am King, in the long dormant space once rumored to be days away from purchase by film director Quentin Tarantino.
When I am King explores what it means to be a public figure—by whatever measure: a presidential candidate, a YouTube star, or just a person who likes to inform their “followers” about today’s lunch. In a time when people are no longer individuals, but brands, what does it mean to have control or power?
Audiences will travel through the theater with this mobile work, enjoying danced pieces throughout the space—each examining a different identity, and aspect of the cult of personality. Duckler is working with two long-time collaborators, renowned multi-disciplinary designer Dan Evans, and composer Amy Knoles, to transform the theater space into a walkable art installation.
When I am King runs Saturdays, October 8-29, 2016
Performance starts at 8pm, attendees must purchase a timed ticket for admission
King Hing Theater
647 N Spring St.
Los Angeles, 90012
Tickets available at: www.heididuckler.org/wheniamking/
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