Looking for money for college? You’d be surprised how much gets overlooked. $2.9 billion in federal aid is left unclaimed in the U.S. each year. In California alone, $396 million was simply left on the table. Just under 50% of high school graduates failed to get free federal grant money because of one simple mistake. They did not complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (“FAFSA”).
Don’t make the same mistake. Jamie Wallace of Get Smart for College, a UCLA trained independent college counselor will guide you through how to apply for federal and state money, money from your schools, and how to search for private money.
Topics include;
Why you need to fill out the FAFSA NOW!
Who should fill out the CSS:Profile
Overview of money available for college, regardless of need
Don’t think you qualify for any aid? You might be very mistaken
Applying for public and private sources of financial and merit aid
How to figure out the “real” cost of college, not the “sticker price.”
Scholarship resources
Two seminars offered:
Wednesday, Sept 21. 7 pm Carlson Park (Braddock & Le Bourget)
Thursday, Sept. 29 7 pm (also Culver City, location TBA)
Cost: $15 for entire family or $5 for student only
Please RSVP with preferred date. Walk-ins welcome.
[email protected]
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