President Boggs Retires; AULA Library Renamed, Scholarship Fund Created

Tex_CourtyardAfter seven years of dedicated service to Antioch University, Dr. Tex Boggs retired from his position as President of Antioch University Los Angeles on July 29. During a packed and emotional farewell celebration community members spoke about the impact and contribution Dr. Boggs has made to AULA and to the student body in particular.

Dr. Boggs was honored twice during the farewell gathering. He was surprised with the announcement that the AULA Library would be named The Tex and Lien Boggs Library in honor of Tex and his wife Lien. “I hope that every time you enter, or pass, the library, you will remember how much I loved working with all of you who care so much about each other and about the Antioch mission,” Dr. Boggs said at the celebration.

The newly established Tex Boggs Scholarship Fund was also revealed. It will be awarded to pay the full cost of tuition for the last quarter of enrollment for one needy student each year who has, through community service contributed while enrolled as a student at Antioch, demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of social, economic, or environmental justice.

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