Culver Studios Gets Thanks from a Grateful Lin Howe

Dr I Movie LicenseLinwood Howe Elementary would like to thank The Culver Studios, one of our new community partners from this past school year. Located in the school’s backyard, the Culver Studios sponsored a 3-year movie license so we can freely show movies to our students during Family Fun Night, Field Day, and rain days. In addition, the Studios hosted our 3rd graders for a tour as part of their Culver City History project, and a screening for the students who earned the most pledges during our PTA Leap-A-Thon fundraiser. For this coming year, the Studios will be providing back-to-school supplies for every student. They have also pledged sponsorship of Linwood Howe’s float for the September 24 Centennial kick-off parade. This includes a financial contribution, plus volunteer support to help build our float. “The Culver Studios is a place where creativity, passion and commitment to quality thrive,” said Michael Goldfarb, Director of Business Development & Strategic Planning for The Culver Studios. “It is a pleasure to support our neighbor and friend, Lin Howe, which instills these qualities in their students on a daily basis.”
Thank you for your generosity, Culver Studios!

-Joanna Brody

The Actors' Gang

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