There has been a significant increase in the issuance of Approved Violations in Culver City, beginning two months ago, per the February – May official red light camera program reports received here yesterday.
Red Light Camera Approved Violations
Jan15: 1725
Feb15: 1983
Mar15: 2432
Apr15: 2258
May15: 2299
Jun15: 2266
Jul15: 1585
Aug15: 1760
Sep15: 1614
Oct15: 1933
Nov15: 1265
Dec15: 2223
Jan16: 2100
Feb16: 2323
Mar16: 3133
Apr16: 3455
May16: 3685 (my estimate based upon first 23 days of month)
Issuance at southbound Sepulveda at Green Valley went up more than tenfold, to 1317 tickets in April (in all of 2015 that location had a total of 1558 tickets).
The current rate of issuance places Culver City as # 1 in the State of California.
The activation of the eight new and relocated cameras proposed during the May 16 budget meeting could increase the Approved Violations by 1/3, to 5000 tickets a month.
Jim Lissner
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