I wanted to give those of you interested an update on the PRCS Commission’s Community Conversation that was tentatively titled “Living in Harmony”. As many are aware, the idea behind this Community Conversation event developed from the recent racial discourse that occurred at CCHS earlier this year. It was determined that we should not focus on that particular event, but on multiple social issues in Culver City that could include, but are not necessarily limited to, racial, religion, gender, age, politics, and LGBT.
I am happy to announce that at our last meeting the Commission formed the official “Ad Hoc” Committee to explore this broad topic and to focus on how to present a well informed and meaningful event that can be built on with, hopefully, future Conversations. I am looking forward to hearing from this Ad Hoc Committee at our June meeting as to how they are focusing the Conversation and who the panel will be. The Ad Hoc Committee is Commissioners Scott Garland and William Rickards.
The PRCS Commission’s past discussions have focused on bullying in the schools, and sportsmanship in our youth sports programs. I hope the PRCS Commission continues to present these conversations, even after many of us have termed out. Updates as they happen!
Laura Stuart
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