The City Council has scheduled a Special Meeting beginning at 1:00 PM on Friday, April 8, 2016, to discuss changing upcoming office space at the Baldwin Project into upcoming residential space to include affordable housing.
Council member Meghan Sahli-Wells offered, “We have an opportunity to take one step closer to creating a few more affordable housing units on April 8th. This meeting will lay the groundwork for using both City and State density bonuses to help build these units.”
From the final draft of the agenda “CC – Approval of an Eleventh Implementation Agreement to the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Axis-Mundi RE II, LLC for the Mixed-Use Development Project at 12803-12823 Washington Boulevard, to (1) Modify the Scope of Development to Allow a Mixed-Use Residential Project in Place of the Mixed-Use Office Project; (2) Allow the Application of the Density Bonus Provisions in both the City’s Mixed-Use Ordinance and the State Density Bonus Law (SB1818) for the Construction of a Total of 37 Residential Units, Including Three Very Low Income Affordable Housing Units; and (3) Allow Subsurface Encroachments Beneath the Sidewalks on Washington Boulevard, and Moore and Meier Streets.”
Sahli-Wells also noted that “The development will still need to go before the Planning Commission for more vetting, so this is a step along the way, not the final approval.”
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