Dear Editor – Small for Council

Light-bulb-0003-300x198Letter to the Editor,

Before we endorse a candidate, we invite the candidate to meet with us to discuss what we believe are the major concerns facing our City. In addition we rely on forums to weigh the candidate’s answers and vision relative to others. We met with Thomas twice for about three hours.

After having a productive chat with him, we concluded that he is open-minded, very intelligent, friendly and demonstrates a willingness to learn about the City. Thomas is a very good listener, accepting other people’s opinion and views. Being a Cultural Affairs Commissioner, he shows he understands citizen’s points of view. He has demonstrated both leadership and an ability to work well with others, including staff. And he being a visionary strikes a very positive chord with us.

This week we received our Permanent Absentee Ballot. We are anxious and proud and excited to vote for Thomas Small for City Council.

Madeline and Paul Ehrlich

The Actors' Gang

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