Meeting in a Minute – City Council

cityhallHere are some highlights from the City Council meeting of January 4, 2016. At this meeting, the City Council:
 Presented a commendation to Angelica Castaneda Miles.
 Presented a proclamation in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Day 2016.
 Presented a proclamation designating January 2016 as Homeowner’s Exemption Awareness Month.
 Adopted a resolution approving the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 and adopted a resolution approving the Administrative Budgets for the periods July 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 and January 1, 2017 through June 30, 2017.
 Adopted an ordinance amending Title 17, Zoning, of the Culver City Municipal Code, Section 17.210.020 Residential Zoning Districts Development Standards, Table 2-3 concerning R-1 properties and Section 1.700.010 Definitions of Terms – Adding terms: “Basement” and “Floor
Area Ratio (FAR).”
 Adopted an ordinance amending the Culver City Zoning Map (Zoning Code Map Amendment,
ZCMA-P2015074), as referenced in Title 17, Zoning, of the Culver City Municipal Code, Section 17.200.015, changing the zoning of a portion of the former Culver City Ice Rink property at 4545 Sepulveda Boulevard from the Residential Single Family (R1) Zone to the Commercial General
(CG) Zone in order to allow a proposed change of use of the site into two retail tenant spaces.
 Adopted a Resolution authorizing the City manager to submit an application in the amount of $6,000,000 for the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission Proposition 84 Grant for the Culver Boulevard Median Infiltration Project.
 Approved a professional services agreement with Walker Parking Consultants to assist staff in the preparation of requests for proposals for a parking access and revenue control system and parking operator services in an amount not-to-exceed $75,000.
 Approved the allocation of $65,000 in funds and the grantee contracts for the 2016 Culver City Performing Arts Grant Program as recommended by the Cultural Affairs Commission.
 Received and filed public testimony related to the establishment of the proposed Culver City Arts District Business Improvement District.
 Directed the City Manager to contact 2015 unappointed applicants for all Commissions, Committees, and Board to gauge their interest in being considered to fill a vacancy on the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Commission through June 2016.
 Directed the City Manager to bring back at a future meeting for City Council consideration the naming of the City Hall Courtyard in honor of former Culver City Chief Administrative Officer Dale

The Actors' Gang

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