This evening on Wednesday, December 2nd at 7 pm at El Rincon School in Culver City there will be a meeting with the State Department of Fish and Wildlife along with officials from Culver City PD, Animal Control, the Culver Crest Neighborhood Association, and City Officials to discuss the recent coyote attacks on pets in the area.
Coyotes have been seen in Culver City in the last several months in every part of the city, from Sunkist Park to Syd Kronenthal Park, and residents should be aware of the challenges and risks of their presence.
Find out how to protect yourself, and what officials intend to do to protect residents and their pets.
Coyotes are wild animals. Do not entice or approach them. They are smart, fast, and will take what they can get. Cats should be kept indoors at all times. Dogs must be kept under direct supervision and restrained on a chain or leash, not exceeding 6 feet in length, while being walked in any public area.
El Rincon Elementary School is located at 11177 Overland Ave, Culver City, 90230.
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