CCUSD Closes Playgrounds at All Grade Schools to Prepare for New Designs & Equipment

BlancoPlayground With the goal of replacing the playground structures at all CCUSD elementary schools, we have been developing plans for new designs at each site while also evaluating the condition of current equipment and play surfaces. With student safety as our top priority and based on the results of recent surface assessments, we will be accelerating the Playground Replacement project. This will require us to close playgrounds at all CCUSD sites in order to begin the demolition and site preparation process. Please see below for more information about our decision-making process and tentative plans moving forward.

Addressing Elementary Playground Structures: Purpose and Process

The Why:

We have identified Elementary Playgrounds as a need/goal as a result of:

* Regular requests for repair and replacement parts
* Temporary closures of playground structures (or parts) at several sites
* Recent investments in surface repair at multiple sites
* Playground equipment safety audits
* Surface safety assessments
* Bond and Maintenance Priority (health and safety)

The What:

Since spring 2015, we have engaged school sites with multiple playground vendors to explore options, clarify goals and develop standards. This work continued, more intensively, this fall. Draft plans and a preferred provider have been identified.

The When:

As a result of a clear and well documented need and a vision for new structure standards, the remaining decision is “when do we begin the work?” As we all know, conducting this work while school is in session will be disruptive to current recess and play activity for our students. However, safety must drive our decisions and, in this circumstance, will accelerate project timelines. Our most recent surface assessments resulted in the recommendation that playground structures at all CCUSD Elementary sites be closed for immediate repair.

* El Marino
* Farragut
* La Ballona
* El Rincon
* Linwood Howe
* Office of Child Development: Small swing playground structure only

Rather than begin short term and costly repairs that will also impact the current use of equipment, the natural next step is to begin the comprehensive replacements plans immediately.

The How:

Based on the recommendations of our safety experts, we will begin the replacement process at all CCUSD Elementary Schools (and the small swing structure at the Office of Child Development).

As exciting as the prospects of a brand-new playground are, the timeline for replacement will be disappointing for our students. The following is a general outline of our process and next steps:

* Immediate fencing and closure of the structures
* Finalize the playground structure selections and proceed with purchasing and manufacturing (expect 6 weeks at the least for manufacturing)
* Demolition and removal of current structures
* Site and surface prep
* Installation

We will be meeting with our construction team and playground structure provider as soon as possible to develop a conservative estimate of how long this project will take. We will provide ongoing updates to staff, students and families and will include images to help shift the immediate disappointment to excitement for the future.

Thank you for your support, understanding and for sharing our belief that student health and safety is our top priority. Additionally, thank you for your support of Measure CC that has made this accelerated work possible.

Culver Currents

The Actors' Gang

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