Vox Femina – Sonic Awakening

1445548910-Sonic_Awakening_ticketsVox Femina will open its season Nov. 15 by exploring the female voice – it sings, it cries, it soars. Fascinating songs will awaken your mind and senses with sounds of glorious voices setting your imagination on fire. Witness unfamiliar, unusual, mysterious, surprising vocalisms that create a new vocabulary of sound. Joining Vox on stage for the third year in a row will be the Mira Costa High School Advanced Women’s Chorale, under the expert direction of Michael Hayden.  Before the concert, join us at 3:30 for a pre-concert discussion of the afternoon’s program hosted by VOX’s own Marcela Pan.

Tickets available now at voxfemina.org


Sunday, November 15th – 4 pm

First Congregational Church of LA
540 South Commonwealth Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90020

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