What’s Next? is the exciting new show from the Donna Sternberg Dancers on November 13th and 14th at 8pm, at the Ivy Substation in Culver City. Put together dance, poetry and music and you fill the stage with ideas, images, movement and sound that meld, jar and bounce off each other. Renowned Los Angeles poet Suzanne Lummis writes of love, expectations, exclusion and life in ways that take you for a ride into familiar and yet uncharted places. Colm Ó Riain’s music is at turns sultry, haunting and soulful, surprising in the ways it twists and turns. Put this together with the expressive, strong dancers of DS&D and you have a program that is touching, funny and entertaining. We are also privileged to have two poems by Pireeni Sundaralingam, who writes about displacement and her native country of Sri Lanka, accompanied by Colm’s music.
Get your tickets now at whatsnext.bpt.me!
Tickets in advance:
$25 General Admission
$20 Students/Seniors
DRC members receive a 20% discount with promotional code
$30 General Admission at the door.
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