As you may know, The City of Culver City recently sent out a press release detailing the mitigation efforts the City has been taking in preparation for the 2015-2016 winter season. As previously mentioned, there is a greater than 95 percent chance of a strong El Niño hitting the City. In the chance that an emergency does occur during this time, it is imperative that the City’s residents are aware of how and where they are able to receive public safety updates from the City, as well as from the Police and Fire Departments.
In the event of a local emergency or disaster, the City has the following systems in place to relay important information to the Community:
1. Nixle, a Mass Emergency Notification System, to sign-up please visit; (This system is used by the City, including our Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments, to notify residents and businesses of emergencies or critical situations and provide information regarding necessary actions, such as evacuations. It has the ability to notify you via phone, text and email)
2. City website,, please add to your favorites to bookmark the page;
3. Additionally, the City provides the option to sign-up for live updates, please go to and add your email address;
4. Culver City Police Department website,, please add to your favorites to bookmark the page;
5. Facebook, we have three accounts:,, and, please like all three pages;
6. Twitter, we have three accounts:,, and please follow us;
7. Smart 911,, please sign-up to create a Safety Profile of your household that will be available to emergency responders in the event that 9-1-1 is called;
8. Radio station, AM 1690; please pre-set the station on your radios.
PLEASE take time today to sign-up, favorite, like, follow, and pre-set for emergency notifications.
For additional emergency preparedness planning information, please visit our webpage at If you would like to speak to someone about the above, please contact:
Christine Parra, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Culver City Fire Department
[email protected], 310-253-5909
Sam Agaiby, Lieutenant, Culver City Police Department
[email protected], 310-253-6251
Thank you Judith!