CCUSD Backpacks Food Drive Wildly Successful – Thanks CC!

11800089_10153493392644524_8187833806278968520_n-245x300Culver City showed it’s heart and wonderful sense of community during the second CCUSD Food Pavilions Food Drive over the weekend of July 25-26, 2015. Staffed by enthusiastic students from elementary to high school, parents, and wonderful administrators Lelah Pealer and Tracy Pumilia it was a resounding success. The two-day drive saw food donations worth $6,040, cash, check donations of $820, and gift card donations of $500. This comes to a whopping total of $7,360 to support the Backpacks For Kids Program. Our food drive last year brought in $4,000, the huge increase gets the program off to a roaring start for the new school year. Leslie Gardner and Jamie Wallace, Co-Chairs of the CCUSD PTA Backpacks for Kids program, organized a food drive at the Culver City Pavilions with the help of Pavilions store manager Robert Sakaguchi.

Started in December 2013 with the leadership of CCUSD Superintendent David LaRose, Jerry Chabola, and Leslie Gardner, the Backpacks Program extended to all Culver City school sites and the Office of Childhood Development pre-school. With over 39% of our public school students signed up for free and reduced lunch, the concern over available food on the weekends became apparent. Dependent entirely on the donations from community members, school organizations, local businesses, and The Willows School, the Backpacks program provided food for over 80 families every weekend during the school year. This volunteer run program relies entirely on the generosity of the community. That reliance was amply rewarded. PTA Backpack program Coordinators Leslie Gardner and Jamie Wallace extend heart-felt thanks to everyone who participated and donated to the Backpacks Program.
To make a donation please make checks payable to CCCPTA, put Backpacks in the memo and mail to Culver City Council PTA, 4034 Irving Place, Culver City, CA 90232. For information on the program, please contact us at [email protected].

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