On August 4, 2015, Culver City Rotarians will join Culver City Police Department’s community-police awareness event all about police programs in our city. Besides Rotary, Target, Cedars-Sinai and Costco are also proud local sponsors.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015, 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Lindberg Park, 5041 Rhoda Way in Studio Village
This community-building campaign party will have food and beverages for all Culver City neighbors who attend to learn more about AND thank our local law enforcement. For more information, contact Police Lieutenant Sam Agaiby, [email protected], 310-253-6251.
Come on out community to meet/greet and CELEBRATE our police and each other for law enforcement across the nation, which is going strong in our own backyard—and have a fun entertaining evening with our neighbors!
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