ATTENTION 5TH GRADE PARENTS (about to be 6th grade parents)
First, Congratulations! You have completed elementary school, and that’s a lot to do – Culver City Middle School is a great school and your kids will do well there. By now, your kids may have participated in a Safe Routes to School activity at their elementary school. Maybe as a Hiking Viking at Linwood Howe, or on Walk and Roll Wednesdays at La Ballona or El Marino. Perhaps they were part of the massive Bike to School Day events at El Rincon or Farragut. Or maybe they participated in one of the many on-campus education safety workshops we hosted?
Well, we’d like them to put that enthusiasm and education to good use and introduce them to biking to the middle school by leading a guided group bike ride to CCMS before school kicks back in.
Our ride leaders will answer all their questions like:
How to prepare for biking to school
Where and how to ride safely to CCMS and beyond
The best route to CCMS
Where the bike racks are and the best way to lock their bike properly.
BONUS: RSVP by June 14 and be eligible to receive a Welcome to CCMS Bike Kit:
Bike Helmet
Bike Lock
Bike Lights
Multi tool and saddle bag
We’ll meet at Linwood E. Howe Elementary School – 4100 Irving Place, Culver City, 90232 – at 10:00 a.m. for brief introductions and a bike safety discussion. Then we’ll head to CCMS for a locking demonstration at the bike racks and return to Lin Howe by noon.
Note to parents: Your child MUST have a signed waiver which you can download from the event page on our website.
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2015
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12 Noon
Location: Meet in front of Linwood E. Howe Elememtary School, 4100 Irving Place, Culver City, 90232
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